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Online Services

If you are already registered as a patient with the practice, you may also find it helpful to sign up to Online Services. This is most commonly done via the NHS App or Patient Access.

Online Services allow you to:

  • Book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional
  • Order repeat prescriptions
  • See parts of your health record, including information about medication, vaccinations and test results
  • See communications between the surgery and other services, such as hospitals.

Registering for Online Services

To register for online services you can:

  • Pop into one of our surgeries between 9am and 6pm to request a paper Register for Online Services form.

If you already have Online Access but require additional access adding, or you require a new set of linkage keys so that you can get set up with another provider, this can also be requested through the Online form.

Accessing someone else’s information

As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access Online Services for someone else. We call this having ‘Proxy Access’. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.

To request Proxy Access you can:

Once Proxy Access is set up, you can access the other person’s profile via your own Online Services account.

Guidance on how to use Proxy Access once it is set up can be found here for the NHS App or here for Patient Access.


If you are experiencing issues with your Online Account the following links provide you with a wealth of information and guides which may be useful: